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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2020

You’re a massive festive bellend Christmas sweater

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  The next few months—certainly December and January  the   You’re a massive festive bellend Christmas sweater will be a dark and despairing time. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Our national nightmare could start to ebb sometime in Spring 2021, when the vaccine could be widely available. The summer could mark the return of travel and other normal activities. Dinner parties? Family vacations? Movies in theaters? Maybe Broadway will come back? Yes, help is on the way. You’re a massive festive bellend Christmas sweater You smell very Flammable Ugly Christmas sweater Veterans never go away we wait till we are required Sweater There’s this old man who lights up my life I call him my husband Sweater The Washington Wave Sweater Sweetea Christmas sweater Supermega loading Sweater Snowman nurse love Christmas sweater Santa stay off the naughty list wear a mask Christmas sweater Santa ho ho holy shit what a year Christmas sweater Santa Grinch nurse Christmas sw...