Elephant in a world where you can be anything be kind hippie sunflower shirt

 Buy it now : Elephant in a world where you can be anything be kind hippie sunflower shirt

I also forgot about the sequence in which Noah sleeps with a neighboring war widow named Martha (Jamie Anne Allman), but is a total dick to her and gives her the "FYI, I can't actually commit to you or give you what you want, but we can keep boning" speech that every woman loves to hear. :/ Back to Noah, who finally has the Elephant in a world where you can be anything be kind hippie sunflower shirt means to buy the plantation of his dreams. (Again, yikes.) He buses over to Charleston to confess his love to Allie, but she's literally mid-kiss—which he conveniently sees through a window— so he gets weirdly obsessed with fixing up the house so she'll come back to him. He also wears some extremely hot aviator sunglasses during the fix-up montage, then puts the house up for sale.

see more :  Elephant in a world where you can be anything be kind hippie sunflower shirt

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