Sugglemerch-Live like john love like kayce fight like rip don’t give af like beth shirt

A series of muse-worthy updos executed by Shelby Swain (including one interminable ponytail that functioned as a trailing train), makeup artist Alexx Mayo's majestic pulls of liner, feathered brows, and ample lashes, and Cardi's baby bump and body paint combined for a powerful visual treat. But the nails did their best to steal the Live like john love like kayce fight like rip don’t give af like beth shirt show, particularly in the video's final shot, a recreation of an iconic Michelangelo moment modernized by manicures. All the rumors are true: Over-the-top polish jobs are here to stay.

Live like john love like kayce fight like rip don’t give af like beth shirt

Lip I licked it so it’s mine shirt

I’m German I might be stubborn and opinionated but at least I’m not fake shirt

If I were to pass away from riding a dirt bike my crash better look sick shirt

I won’t be quiet so liberals can be comfortable shirt

I just took a dna test tuens out I’m 100 that witch Halloween shirt

I could shit a better President shirt

I am a witch everyday not just for Halloween shirt

Hot Jihad Joe A Real American Zero Shirt

Heart for Tennessee shirt

Grip it and rip it shirt

Good people break bad laws shirt

Ghost I’m a freak in the sheets shirt

Fun Differential Seattle Baseball Shirt

Fuck Biden And Fuck You Voting Him Shirt

Everything woke turns to shit Donald Trump shirt

Eagles if you can read this thank a teacher if you can read this in english thank a veteran thank you veterans shirt

Donald Trump China Should Pay Usd 10 Trillion Shirt

I hate Melman I will snap his stupid friken neck shirt

Happiness is returning from the bookstore with a bunch of great new books shirt

Flamingo desantis 2024 make America Florida shirt

Damn right I am a Yankees Fan now and forever signatures shirt

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